Monday, January 10, 2011

In One Word...

If you summed up your life in one word, what would it be?

I've thought quite a bit about this post today, and about being honest with it.

Originally I would have said my word would be great, but I know even though there are many great things in my life, there are also many complications.

Then I wanted to say confusing, or complicated...which are pretty true...but those words seem to describe my life as being miserable...which it isn't.

I was going to use complicated, when I originally sat down to write this.

Still, another word keeps coming to mind. I didn't want to use it mainly because it isn't a word you would typically use to describe anything, but I think I will anyway.


Yes, thats it...Lessons

When I think of my life, especially recent events, I can't help but think of all the lessons I've learned.

There are many times in life when you come to the cross road of doing what you want, and what you should...I reached one of those points recently.

Until today I've been letting myself dwell on the situation, questioning everything, doubting quite a bit. Then I remembered something I tell everyone else...the advice I never seem to take myself.

In life there are no mistakes....only decisions. Funny enough, I had never thought of my decision as a mistake until recently....but I realized today why I never thought of it that way. Because it wasn't. It was a decision in my life meant to teach me a lesson. Though it was a hard lesson to learn it was needed.

My life has been blessed, and I could never deny that. The people, the bad times, and the good. The decisions I never wanted to make and the lessons I learned because of them. I couldn't be more thankful for all of it.

There are times that it gets me down, but I am only human. Still, at the end of the day its nice to remember that every new day is a new page in my book.

So stepping off my soapbox for the night I must say Im rather happy/excited about a really awesome dream I've had for the past three days....if dreams tell us anything about our future I may have some wonderfully awesome new soon ;-) lol.

Dont forget....your life is your book to write....tell your story the way you want it.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Day...New Beginnings...

Hello 2011, Welcome to the world.

Everyone has made their resolutions for the New Year except me...and I wont make one either. 
I see a resolution as a silly way to break your own self esteem. Think about it...most resolutions are never accomplished. The few people who do accomplish their resolution...well what comes next? You sit and stare until the next new year? And for the rest of the world who didn't succeed...well first we feel like failures for not accomplishing this small goal, and then we typically end up making the exact same resolution every year until we do succeed. It seems rather pointless to me.

So as I said, I wont make a resolution, but as it is a new year it is time for a list revision.

In 2010 I didn't accomplish as much of my list as I did in 2009, but I still feel rather good about it.

In 2010 I:

Found love at first sight

Started a family

Watched my daughter turn one

Took pictures of priceless memories

Helped a complete stranger

Reconnected with old friends

Faced challenges and overcame them

Listened to my baby's first words
Watched my baby's first steps

2011 is a new page in my book of life and I can't wait to see the blessings God will give me. My list has many of the same things as last year as well as many new things.

In My Life I Want To:
Dance in the rain

Hike to the top of a mountain and look at the stars

Take a boat ride

Walk on the beach at sunset with the love of my life

Watch my baby grow up

Get married

Learn a new language

Get to know a total stranger

Tell those around me how much I love them

Write a poem

Slow down and appreciate the world around me

Not worry so much

Sing in front of a crowd

Get a degree

Be a doctor

Act like a kid again

Remember the meaningful things in life

Make someone smile

Paint a picture

Reminisce about the past with some wonderful friends

Grow old with my true love

See the world

Most of all...I want to breathe. I want to let go and live life. When I'm older I want to look back and be proud of the person I was.

In 2010 I made some mistakes...we all make mistakes. 
I made mistakes that I said were ok at the time.
I made mistakes that hurt others.
I made mistakes that hurt me.
I made mistakes that I'm still trying to overcome.

But I have no regrets. To me, regretting something means you haven't learned from it.

Everyday is a new page in your do you plan on writing it?